
Misconceptions of Outsourced IT..

A common problem many small business owners have is letting go. Many feel that because it is their business, they simply must be in charge of everything. This can put a lot of undue stress on a person, especially if they are not experts in areas like IT. When it comes to information technology, one of the best solutions a business owner can adopt to outsource the company’s tech needs to an IT partner who can work with you to help manage your IT. While this is good option used by a lot of businesses, there are still many misconceptions about outsourcing your IT. Here are six:

1. It is costly

Talk to some people about outsourcing your IT and the first thing they may mention is how expensive it can be.

Is your practice ready?

The compliance date for ICD-10 is farther away than it once was, but it’s still coming — and health-care practitioners should be moving forward with preparedness plans, if the results of a recent survey are any indication.

The survey — which questioned physician practices, hospitals, payers, vendors, and others — was conducted by eHealth Initiative and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

It found that most health-care organizations are using the extra time afforded by the delay of ICD-10 compliance to October 15 to invest, train, and test.

iOS8 is coming this fall..

Each year, Apple holds their annual World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) at which they usually announce new products and updates to existing products and systems. As such, it has become one of the most eagerly anticipated events of the year for Apple fans.

Time to leave Windows XP

Microsoft Windows is without a doubt the most popular OS used in businesses these days. There are numerous versions of Windows available to users and one of the most popular is Windows XP. This version of Windows is over 12 years old and is installed on more than 27% of computers connected to the Internet.

Google Apps nested labels for your business

The benefits to be had in using Gmail’s nested labels are amazing! They help you de clutter your inbox, increase your productivity and also keep your email messaged organized. Because of this feature, gone are the days where you’ll spend an inordinate amount of time just to find an email that was sent to you days or months ago.

Google eyes Atlanta for super-fast Internet

Atlanta and eight other local cities are candidates for Google’s new, ultra-fast fiber optic Internet and television service, the Silicon Valley giant announced Wednesday.

The service, called Fiber, operates at 100 times the speed typically delivered by cable companies today, and at a competitive price.

How to optimize your MacBook’s battery

In 2010, Apple released the iPad, a sophisticated gadget that comes with an impressive battery life. Apple fanatics wished for the day when Apple laptops would have the same long battery life. With the release of the new version of OS X along with the latest hardware upgrades and revisions, it seems their dreams will finally come true.

Take screenshots on Win 7 and 8

To the vast majority of business and individual users Microsoft’s Windows is the backbone of their computing experience. With a wide variety of functions and features, users can do almost anything on their computer. However, many of us still use only a few features on a daily basis, with features like taking screenshots being rarely used.

6 tips to get Wi-Fi working on iPad

The Apple iPad is among the most popular tech devices for business and personal users alike. Many users prefer the iPad because of the fact that it is rugged and easy to use, while also having apps for virtually everything. Like all tech however, there will come a time when you may run into problems and your device doesn’t work properly.