
4 Security risks of the BYOD strategy

Taking work home, or practically anywhere, has never been easier. The bring your own device (BYOD) strategy has become a popular approach for many businesses to conduct work more efficiently and flexibly. But this strategy is not without risks. BYOD, if not implemented correctly, can make your system susceptible to a number of attacks. Here […]

7 ways to more retweets

It can be discouraging for any business to post a thoughtful tweet in the morning just to see that it barely has any retweets by the end of the day. To maximize your tweets’ exposure, consider these 7 ways to increase your retweets. Schedule your tweets There is absolutely no point in tweeting out any […]

5 ways you could blow your online reputation

As a small business owner, you’ve probably used social media to establish a connection with your customers and share stories that will shine a positive light on your brand. While social media is a great tool to foster your business name, if used incorrectly it could just shatter your online reputation. Here are some common […]

Why fewer teenagers choose Facebook

Facebook’s 13-to-17-year-old users are declining despite the overall growth of the social media giant’s subscribers. A new survey by Pew Research Center found that only 51% of US teens are using Facebook, compared with Snapchat (69%), Instagram (72%), and YouTube (85%). Reasons for user demographic shift The same survey found that only 10% of US […]

How HIPAA Impacts Social Media Usage

Social Media can be an effective tool for sharing experiences, building professional connections, and broadcasting conventional healthcare announcements to the public. However, careless posts that have client or patient-specific information could ruin the reputation of any healthcare organization. On April 14, 2003, the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” (HIPAA) became law with the goal […]

3 ways to ensure your FB data is private

The public went into a frenzy when reports surfaced that Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based data analytics firm, retrieved millions of Facebook users’ private information without their knowledge. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it, and here are 3 ways to guarantee your data remains private. Download your Facebook data The thought of […]

5 social media marketing tips

Nearly everyone uses social media. And whether you run a small- or medium-sized business (SMB) or multinational conglomerate, social media platforms are great for their broad audiences, low costs, and high returns. But without careful planning, marketing in these communities can do more harm than good. Here are five tips on how to use your […]

Facebook makes space for more relevant posts

Social media has proven to be very influential in shaping people’s lives, affecting everything from one’s mental health to people’s views on certain political parties. To limit this, Facebook has made a decision to limit the posts from business accounts on your News Feed to make room for more meaningful posts shared by your friends […]

5 social media trends of 2018

To say that social media is a small part of our lives is an understatement. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are now integrated into our lives like never before. But what’s next? Can social media’s involvement go any further? These upcoming trends certainly point toward it. Read on to learn more. The boom […]