Bring your own device (BYOD) arrangements have become increasingly popular in today’s workplace, enabling employees to use their personal devices to access work-related applications and data. However, BYOD also presents a security risk, as personal devices may not be as thoroughly protected as corporate devices. Hence, it is crucial to increase BYOD security to ensure […]
5 Crucial steps to increasing BYOD security
Security best practices for BYOD policies
Bring your own device (BYOD) policies give employees the flexibility to use devices they are comfortable with while allowing businesses to reduce hardware spending. However, BYOD also carries plenty of security risks. Loss or theft of devices – Employees often bring their personal devices wherever they go. This means there’s a higher chance of devices, […]
How to strengthen your BYOD security
Mobile technology has drastically changed the way we live. And just as many people have “cut the cord” in their homes and now rely on their smart devices, businesses are now adopting the bring your own device (BYOD) trend culture. But BYOD also opens your organization up to cybersecurity risks. Here’s how you can improve […]
4 Security risks of the BYOD strategy
Taking work home, or practically anywhere, has never been easier. The bring your own device (BYOD) strategy has become a popular approach for many businesses to conduct work more efficiently and flexibly. But this strategy is not without risks. BYOD, if not implemented correctly, can make your system susceptible to a number of attacks. Here […]